Forms & Agreements
Free School Meals Application Form If you are a low income family and in receipt of Universal Credit, with an income of £7,400 or less , we would recommend that you fill in the attached form so that we can identify if you qualify for additional support.
Pupils Leaving School Form Parents/carers are required to complete this form for any pupil leaving St Pius X (other than at the of year 6). The information provided is essential to ensure that we know and safeguard the whereabouts of all of our pupils.
Change of Contact Details It is vitally important that the school have up to date contact information for all pupils. If you have recently moved house, changed your phone number, or updated your email address, please use the form to notify us of the changes.
Home - School Agreement The Home-School agreement outlines how as a school we intend to support your child’s learning and how you can support your child’s learning from home