Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you may be aware we do have several children with different food related allergies in school. Our school Cook, Mrs Hughes and her team prepare lunch for all the children each day and those children with a known food allergy are specifically catered for to ensure they do not become ill whilst at school. We currently have a pupil at school who has a severe nut and bean allergy.
We would like to ensure that this child is safe in school, therefore, a decision has been made to make the whole school nut free. All members of staff are being asked not to bring into school anything that contains or is made using nuts or nut products of any description. I would also ask all parents who provide a packed lunch or snack for their child to ensure it does not contain any nut or nut products. It may be necessary to read the list of ingredients on packets of food to ensure that they do not contain any trace of nuts.
I am sure that you as parents understand the need for these precautions that are necessary to ensure all of our children are safe in school.
If food containing nuts is found within a child’s lunch box or as part of a snack, it will be taken away. Parents will be informed by telephone and an alternative food item may be sought from the kitchen.
Thank you for your support and co-operation.